Happy 4th of July! Sorry for the late
entry, but I am on Caribbean time. Yesterday Maria and I were definitely thinking of home. Everyone at Accion Callejera asked how people back in the States usually celebrated Independence. We told them. parades, fireworks, and barbeques!
Monchi's Pizza Place
Along with our host parents--Joan and Katie--Maria, Titilola, Ariel, and I (basically, all the Americanas volunteering at
Accion Callejera) gathered to celebrate our Independence together. We spent our
4th of July eating Monchi’s pizza for dinner, walking down Independencia
Ln, watching light up Frisbees in the park (I pretended they were fireworks),
and putting barbeque sauce on platanos. But of course, our celebration would
not be complete without a little Dominican flare. Bachata and Reggaeton music in
the background (and foreground), climbing the monument overlooking the city
with all the lights at night, and the craziest concho (taxi) ride I have ever
been on. Our concho ran out of gas so we literally had another car pushing us. It was like playing bumper cars all the way to the gas station. It was definitely a night to remember. Excited for my birthday on July 6th!
View from the Monument
Cultural Note! The Dominican Republic won their independence February 27,1844. However, their Carnival is celebrated the entire month of February. Each town or barrio will have their own unique customs but they usually always consist of parades, competitions, costumes, music, masks, and more! To me, one of the most interesting aspects of Carnival are the vejigas. Vejigas are balls traditionally made of either cow or pig bladders and filled with air (nowadays, they can be made of rubber). These become weapons as they are used by those in masks and costumes to hit people that happen to get in the way. It is said that getting hit brings good luck...and a whole lotta pain.
pretty sweet view from the monument!